Thinking About A Divorce? There Are Ways to Help Make Separation Easier!

At Merit Financial Advisors, we have a focus on home finances and helping our clients create strategies to work toward being financially stable during troubled times – such as divorce. Our certified divorce financial analysts are always glad to help make a divorce go more smoothly and offer reassurance during an uncertain process; we also want our clients to know that there are alternatives to divorce that are worth exploring.

After all, the average cost of any divorce in the US is roughly $15,000 [1], and that number only goes up if it becomes a legal battle. Sometimes, a contested divorce cannot be avoided, but here are some alternatives to consider.

Voluntary Separation

Sometimes, the easiest solution feels like having someone move out. There are no legal requirements for couples to live together, so a pair may remain married while leading entirely separate lives. In this situation, the joint property remains jointly owned, and of course, re-marriage is impossible without a divorce, but it avoids much of the unpleasantness associated with a divorce.

Also, some time apart may heal wounds or help the couple realize they’re better together than separated.


Even if it seems like divorce is unavoidable, it doesn’t have to be nasty or drawn out. We’re big fans of mediation, particularly with divorce financial planners on-hand to help keep matters fact-based. A divorcing couple can often avoid protracted legal battles simply by working out matters like child custody and property division beforehand.

When handled under the auspices of an attorney, the resulting agreement can become legally binding. This streamlines the actual legal process of divorce.

“Conscious Uncoupling”

The stereotype of divorces being unpleasant drawn-out battles is not necessarily true. Upon realizing their marriage doesn’t work, many couples can resolve their differences for themselves. Like mediation, conscious uncoupling focuses on a calm and reasonable discussion of the separation and planning the divorce in a way that minimizes trauma to everyone involved – particularly children.

However, unlike legal mediation, conscious uncoupling is an unofficial practice. Any agreement reached would not be legally binding without signed contracts making the agreement official.

Merit Financial Advisors Wants to Help You in Difficult Times

If you think a divorce is a possibility, we strongly advise you to consult a certified divorce financial analyst before making any decisions. Contact us for caring, considerate financial planning advice.

Opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.